However, there is an important difference. The ecosystem of corn
includes men, tractors, energy sources such as electricity and gasoline,
seed producers, grain storage bins, transportation systems, and other
paraphernalia in addition to the sunlight energy that falls on the
cornbelt. In short, a corn ecosystem requires other kinds of energy in
addition to the sources that are adequate for the natural tall grass
prairie. The corn crop is the result of all these inputscapital
and manpower, sunlight, water, minerals, temperature, etc. If the
fertilizer is withdrawn, if the tillage and cultivation and weeding
cease, the ecosystem of tall bluestem and Indian grass would quickly
replace the corn. Corn has been in cultivation so long that it is
dependent upon mantall bluestem and Indian grass are not.
In the eastern United States, man is abandoning farming as a way of
life and these farms are reverting back to the deciduous forests from
which they were developed. In Pennsylvania, for example, large areas are
being rapidly overrun by resurgent eastern deciduous forests that are
increasing at the rate of 1-2% each year. This does not mean that the
economic value of this land is diminishing since it may have a higher
value for recreation and for homes than it did as farms.
Since the communities of man are ecosystems, they stabilize and
destabilize in exactly the same way as do other ecosystems. The factors
that tend to destabilize ecosystems are those factors that lead to their
simplification or to their degradation. The factors that tend to
stabilize ecosystems are those factors that tend to increase diversity
and variety. In reality, diversity and variety are changes in the way
energy in the ecosystem is used. Ecosystems are essentially energy
processing systems, and the fewer uses for energy there are in the
system and the fewer outlets for its consumption, the less efficiently
will the system handle the different forms of energy. On the other hand,
an ecosystem with many levels of organization, where the products
derived from processes are the inputs for other processes (preferably in
cyclical fashion), becomes efficient in using energy because the same
materials are processed over and over again using many forms of energy
rather than allowing the energy to dissipate.
All biological systems recycle materials. When man does not recycle
materials because the use of new materials is "cheaper," the energy
input into the "scrap" is irretrievably lost. Systems that do not
recycle their products are less efficient, since new materials must
continually enter the system and additional inputs of energy are
necessary to operate these processes. In addition, the system will have
lost the energy that was expended to produce the original product since
the product requiring the input of energy is not being recycled.
Rearrangement of economic priorities could minimize these losses.
When the steel industry recycles scrap a great saving is made because
fresh energy that would be necessary to smelt ore in a quantity
equivalent to the scrap is saved. In addition, the energy needed to mine
the ore and the energy associated with all the additives that make steel
are saved because they are already present in the scrap. However, in the
utilization of scrap a different input is required, i.e., the energy
necessary to collect the scrap materials and return them to the
However, since the origins of virgin materials are relatively few and
often widely dispersed, transportation systems are required to convey
the virgin materials to and from the processing plant and this balances
economically with the reuse of scrap. But the economics of the use of
virgin materials, particularly in the metals industry, is significantly
enhanced by economic subsidization, whereas there are few, if any,
economic incentives for the use of scrap. What is actually happening is
that the energy input into the scrap is being dissipated, while new and
larger amounts of energy are being expended to mine virgin
If the same economic incentives applied to the use of scrap our
industries would be recovering even small amounts and processing them
profitably, rather than mining rapidly dwindling supplies of virgin
materials. If the materials in a technological ecosystem were
recycledand recycling technology is well understoodonly
small amounts of new inputs would be required. If we could evaluate
technology in terms of its stabilization or destabilization of the
ecosystems, both those dominated primarily by man and those not occupied
or dominated by man, these considerations are enough to evaluate the
worth of technology in the long-term survival of man and the city. And
because man is concentrated in cities more densely than elsewhere, it is
important that we take a thorough accounting of the effects of
technology on city ecosystems.
The survival of man on earth as the dominant species in the biosphere
depends to a large extent upon the health of the biosphere itself. In
general, the large marine and terrestrial ecosystems are stable, having
evolved over the millenia. They change but their normal change occurs in
geologic time and in an evolutionary fashion. The seas and the forests
and prairies, the tropical rain forests and deserts all play a part in
the water, nitrogen, carbon, and other geobiological cycles.
Man with his technology has created revolutionary changes in the
biosphere. Land used for agriculture has disrupted normal ecosystem
processes. That same land, heavily fertilized, has brought about
remarkable changes in the productivity of surface water as excess
phosphate and nitrogen and other fertilizer elements enter the streams
and rivers and finally the seas.
Industry has, slowly at first but with logarithmic increases in rate,
polluted the atmosphere to the point where we must ask for how long air
that supports human life can be guaranteed to be in sufficient supply in
our cities and heavily industrialized areas. Pesticides and industrial
pollutants such as mercury are pervading all nooks and niches of all
ecosystems of the biosphere.
Man therefore poses a threat not only to himself but to countless
other species of plants and animals that properly form the elements of
the biosphere. Modern technology is beginning to demonstrate for the
first time in the several-million-year history of man on earth that it
is possible to bring about destructive, irreversible changes in marine
and terrestrial ecosystems; changes that ultimately will alter the
course of biospheric development. Man cannot destroy the biosphere, for
to do so he would have to destroy all life on earth, but he can make
life untenable for himself.
Disturbances in ecosystems tend to set them thermodynamically into
motion. New balances of nature result from such disturbances, and these
new balances of nature may be either desirable or undesirable, depending
upon how they enhance or degrade life for man.
Industrial pollution, ecosystem destruction through any means
whatever, on a scale large enough to upset the biosphere may be
self-correcting if one of the consequences is the demise of man and/or
his technology. If accommodation with biospheric dynamics is not
achieved by man, man's technology probably will be severely limited
before he himself faces extinction.
The principal problems faced by man the technologist are to continue
economic growth by developing clean as well as cheap sources of energy
and by feasible recycling where reclamation of materials is economically
sound. Clean water and clean air must result from reclamation of the
by-products of industrial and manufacturing processes. The present
economics appear in conflict with this notion but that is because the
present economics postulate abundant supplies at no cost to the
environment for disposal of the "waste" of industry.
If "costs" to the environment are calculated into the disposal
formula, and it is recognized that the medium- to long-term consequences
of such disposal is degradation of the standard of living for man, the
ecological "reclamation" of waste materials will become profitable
The effects of technology on man will be most influential where man
is concentrated in the greatest numbers, and these places are obviously
the cities of the world. Since cities are biological communities of man,
it follows that the biological requisites for proper ecological living
must be fulfilled or the principal inhabitants of the community will
High-speed transportation cannot be the substitute for man
negotiating his immediate neighborhood. To be viable a neighborhood must
be accessible easily and comfortably with little waste of energy or
time. Neighborhoods structured to accommodate high-speed, individualized
traffic flow are inaccessible to persons on foot and can be negotiated
only at relatively high cost in equipment and energy requirement (while
the human organism converts its excess energy substems to lipids instead
of chemical-mechanical power).
High-speed, individualized transport, therefore, has a tendency to
destabilize ecosystems of man because of inordinate energy requirements,
the large areas needed for maneuvering and storage, and the effect it
has on dispersing the community. The latter results in difficult person
to person communication and spatial distribution of housing units that
are only inefficiently serviced with water, sewage service, and other
High speed mass transport on the other hand (where there is no need
to store the transportation elements in the neighborhood) tends to
stabilize the neighborhoods into the larger complex of the city
ecosystem. Mass transit is more efficient and less costly to operate per
passenger mile, and while it does not provide the "absolute" freedom
claimed for individualized transport, it provides freedom of access to
all parts of cities for all inhabitants regardless of economic or
physical status. Children, old people, and the handicapped can travel by
bus or metro or train but only a fraction of the total population has
access to individualized transportation. In other words, mass transit
serves the total community in a way that individualized transport
cannot, and thus its effect upon the community is a stabilizing one.
Communications as technological activity have profound effects on the
biological community of man. First, although direct communication may
not be practical among all inhabitants of the neighborhood, to maintain
the integrity of the community it is necessary that its members
recognize each other. In the design of human communities an essential
element to stability is the opportunity for individuals to contact other
individuals in the normal course of life in the neighborhood. The
compactness of ancient cities had this property to a remarkable degree.
The stranger in the community was instantly recognized and behavior was
influenced accordingly. In many modern communities, especially high-rise
construction where ratios of public to private places are inappropriate,
there is little opportunity for personal interaction and those that do
result are hostile and dangerous. Such places are not fit communities
biologically or technologically.
The telephone, radio, and television have stabilized the higher-order
structured ecosystem, uniting neighborhoods, towns, and cities into a
common communication fabric. Their influence has been so profound in
this respect as to cast some doubt on the validity of an ecological
equivalent of the community for man. Telecommunications have made it so
easy to communicate with individuals that are far removed from the
immediate neighborhood of either work or living that bonds between
remotely located individuals may be much stronger than between those
living in adjacent houses or working in adjacent offices. But ecological
security, comfort, and well-being of the individual are dependent upon
other members of the community within his or her physical proximity. The
telephone, radio, and television, insofar as they undermine the
ecological fact of life, tend to destabilize human ecosystems. As means
of communication within community elements they are necessary for
efficient living in the community; between communities already
ecologically sound they tend to stabilize both the immediate community
as well as the higher-order ecosystem of the city, state, or nation,
going so far as to produce what Marshall MacCluen has called the "global
Radio and television, more than any other technological devices, have
made it possible to synchronize the activity of communities and in this
respect they have been great stabilizing influences. Even catastrophes
on a national scale have been mitigated because instantaneous
communication was possible.
The overall health of the biosphere, the destabilization and
degradation of the marine ecosystems and the large terrestrial natural
ecosystems, is perhaps more important to the survival of man on earth
than the destabilization of human communities. The destabilization of
communities of ecosystems tends to be self-correcting. If man's
destabilization and degradation of the human ecosystem is not reversed
in the future, he may not survive in sufficient numbers to be the great
destabilization factor of which he is capable.
Factors that tend to stabilize and destabilize the human ecosystem
can be demonstrated by the example of public health services that
decrease death rates, e.g., vaccination for smallpox. Factors that
promote health and decrease the death rate are considered beneficial,
but eventually they bring about increased population, at which point
other causes increase the death rate. if birth rates exceed death rates
as they have since man acquired technology, populations increase until
other factors limit them. These factors at present are considered to be
food supply and the resources needed to run technologyparticularly
energy sources and high technology materials. At the present time, no
end is predicted for global population
Increases although population has slowed or stabilized in some
places, and in others massive efforts are underway to effect limits to
population growth. The fact that populations cannot increase without
limit is a biological truism. The question for man is, will the
stabilization of population be left to chance or can technology be
applied to solve this problem as it has been applied to solve so many
others? It is inevitable that populations will stabilize. Will the
process be orderly or chaotic? Population crashes are well known
biological phenomena and are well known in human populations as well.
The counterbalancing ecological factor in population control is not to
reintroduce smallpox to control population, but to adjust birth rate. If
decreases in the death rate are accompanied by decreases in the
birthrate an ecosystem steady state is preserved.
The development of the city, i.e., the factories, shopping places,
highrises, and skyscrapers, has had both stabilizing and destabilizing
effects. The highrises and skyscrapers and factories, in segregating and
isolating the work function of man from his other life functions, have
distorted the human community. Factories that produce pollution have
destabilized and degraded the ecosystem, and the effects of highway
construction have been both good and evil. The highways have cleaved
neighborhoods, destroying viable human communities in the name of
progress. Urban renewal has destroyed viable human communities and
replaced them with great technological works that, by omitting human
activity around the clock, become dangerous to human life. Mass
transportation stabilizes human ecosystems because it encourages the
development of neighborhoods and work areas of the cities, where space
requirements are governed by the size and energy requirements of man
rather than the size and energy requirements of the automobile.
Destabilized and degraded human ecosystems are characterized by
substandard housing, crime, economic dependence, poor quality services,
poor health, disease, and infant mortality. Factors that tend to
stabilize the city are well-developed neighborhoods that have the
characteristics of good biological communities, diversified income
sources, many opportunities for employment, economic independence, low
incidence of communicable diseases, and lowered infant mortality. Great
numbers of voluntary associations, each capable of defending the
interests of its group, also stabilize human ecosystems.
An environment in which privacy is assured while public places are
under surveillance tends to invoke an attitude of self-discipline that
aids in the prevention of crime and acts of violence against property
and people. The neighborhood constructed so that the interaction of
neighbors is easy to accomplish reduces the risk of developing an anemic
society in which a woman could be murdered while persons living in the
isolation peculiar to a wretchedly planned city were not motivated to
help, not even to the extent of calling the police from the safety of
their isolated citadels.