At this point it becomes useful to examine the concept of ecosystem
in a general way, to relate the concept of ecosystem to human beings,
and then to see how engineering could enhance the functioning of the
human ecosystem.
The term ecosystem has been used to describe so wide a variety of
ecological conditions that its use could be confusing to the
nonecologist. We begin with ecology as the science of living organisms
in relationship to their environment. An ecosystem is living organisms
and their physical/chemical environment, and the interrelation among all
the biological and physiochemical factors that affect them.
An ecosystem must be viewed as a functioning whole, because it
operates as a system and not as a group of independent processes.
Ecosystems follow thermodynamic laws in exactly the same way physical
systems do and consequently they posses the same elements of
predictability and control. Ecosystems differ from physical systems in
that they contain living organisms which can and do adapt to changing
conditions, sometimes in surprising ways. In short, because of their
ability to react to environmental circumstances, the living organisms
within the system can arrange themselves to optimize or maximize their
potential within the system. The ecosystem can be said to be
"self-designing" as it comes to equilibrium with the thermodynamic
conditions of its being.
The complexity of ecosystems arises not out of some reservoir of
innate complexity, but from the number of outcomes that are possible
through the interaction of a few simple but greatly replicated parts.
Various organisms have given spectra of responses to environment; the
conditions which favor some do not favor others and vice versa.
As conditions change, the composition of living organisms within the
ecosystem may change and these changes will occur as long as conditions
that can support life exist. The group of organisms that best fits the
conditions at any time will predominate; as conditions change a new set
of organisms better suited to the conditions may take its place.
The essential point is that through the chemistry and physics of life
the group of organisms best able to survive and thrive in an environment
is the group that will tend to occupy it. This is a positive, forceful
event that is driven by primary energy sources; locally it seems to defy
the second law of thermodynamics, because it proceeds from disorder and
goes to order; it moves for the most part from less complex to more
complex arrangements, and it requires a steady input of energy to
maintain it. Human ecosystems meet these requirements to the same extent
that other biological ecosystems do and they may increase in
complexity and order or decrease in complexity and order, depending upon
the energy inputs and other ecological factors. The question before us
is to understand the nature of the energy inputs, to understand the
ecological factors and their relationships, and to engineer our human
ecosystems taking this information into account.
The term ecosystem causes some confusion because the word has been
applied to a great variety of situations of differing
complexityranging from the relations of single organisms and their
limited environment to the totality of all living things and their
complex environment: the earth and its energy source, the sun.
One strong emphasis in the study of ecosystems is that living
organisms must be considered in the context of their physiochemical
environment and that the continuum of conditions from the nonliving
to the living must be understood in order to understand living systems.
The other strong concept is the probabilistic nature of
ecosystems. In this regard their conceptual origins are presumed to
be similar to physical systems and more particularly to the
probabilistic notion that any particular ecosystem is one form of many
that could just as probably have arisen at that some place. This would
indicate that even closely related ecosystems are not carbon copies of
each other, but that they are related through the probability of
their origin and development in the same way that the views through a
kaleidoscope are relatedeach one different but all composed of the
same bits of glass or metal, the gravity pull that acts on them as the
tube is turned, and the light which reflects from their surfaces. The
resulting designs have great similarity, are generated by the same
processes, and contain the same ingredients, yet they are all
differentbut not so different that the relationships among them
cannot readily be seen and alike in that environmental factors affect
them the same way.
Prior to coining the word ecosystem, ecologists had an array of terms
to describe community and environmental conditions. These terms are
still in common usage and are used integrally and synonymously with
The term ecosystem can apply equally well to the simplest and the
most complex. It is useful therefore to consider orders of ecosystems
based upon their complexity. Such a proposition results in a list of
ecosystems arranged in order of complexity:
Order |
General Description |
Social Human Version |
1st order Ecosystem |
An organism in the context of environment |
An individual in the context of family |
2nd Order Ecosystem |
Community | Neighborhoodclan |
3rd Order Ecosystem |
Association | The citytribe |
4th Order Ecosystem |
Biome | The nation or group of nations |
5th Order Ecosystem |
Biosphere | Geopolitical world (noösphere or "sphere
of the mind") |
6th Order Ecosystem |
Solar System |
Man on the Moon, Probes to Mars, and the planets of our solar system |
7th Order Ecosystem |
Galaxy |
Attempts to communicate with life in other solar systems |
8th Order Ecosystem |
Universe |
Attempts to comprehend the size, complexity, and nature of the universe |
While it is interesting to consider all eight orders of ecosystems,
of immediate concern for us are the first three. Perhaps the most
important use of this conceptual design is to see each order of
ecosystem providing the building blocks to the next higher order of
ecosystem and to become aware of the manner in which more complex
ecosystems are formed out of the interrelatedness of the simpler
subsidiary units.
It is inconceivable that a member of the species Homo sapiens
could arise as a "human being" without direct interaction with other
human beings, the Tarzan myth notwithstanding. The most usual context
for this process of aculturization is the family. While it is not an
absolute requirement that each and every individual be reared and
educated as a human being by his/her own biological family, it is
necessary through human intervention that the functions, that would have
been performed by the family be performed by some person or persons.
This is an axiomatic part of our thinking, yet the ramifications of it
seem not to be understood or given appropriate consideration at the
times when ecological engineering is taking place. If such
considerations were given their due, the initial engineering task would
be to arrange the first order ecosystem correlates not just to favor the
individual, but more specifically to do so in the context of the
The problem of engineering the environmental requirements of the
family will depend in part on the structure of the family and the
perceived relationship between its members. The most current notion of
the American family is the so-called nuclear familyparents and
their children. The nuclear family is in its present configuration
probably because of the high mobility of the population as a whole. Not
only is there mobility with respect to means of physical transportation,
but with respect to social status as well. A great many young people
leave home, go to a distant city to attend school, and literally never
Much of the rural-to-urban migration occurs because job opportunities
are more prevalent in cities than in rural areasand this is
occurring at a time when farms are becoming more highly mechanized. Many
work functions formerly performed on farms are being performed on the
same products but in city processing plants.
For whatever reason, therefore, American families tend to be nuclear
and tend to lose their younger members to college or distant employment.
If one of our objectives is to produce ecologically sound family unity,
some of the ecological relationships of families and their environmental
requirements must be examined. Ecological communities are characterized
by having members of all ages. If the nuclear family were to develop (or
revert) to the "extended family" (including once again the entire or
larger span of family generation), the all-age attribute would be
restored. But economic opportunity may not permit three generations of
the same family to live together or close by. The engineering problem is
to provide the environmental circumstance to permit community members of
the three age groups to live proximally and to provide opportunities to
members of these age groups to function as members of an extended
family. From the standpoint of engineering and city planning, this calls
for a closer look at the way individual dwellings are designed with
respect to their interior spatial relations, and the way dwellings of
all sizes are arranged with respect to all other community elements.
The highrise apartment building and suburbia share one characteristic
in commonthey tend to segregate a single age and income group.
Suburbs tend to be designed for the family with children and highrises
for the family without.
Some notable exceptions such as Cedar-Riverside in Minneapolis have
tried to accommodate both divergent income groups and divergent age
groups. But this is a self-conscious effort against the mainstream where
for the most part, domiciles are segregated by age, income, and
lifestyle factors. This tends to increase the required mobility of the
population since the dwelling area in question may be efficient only
during part of the life cycle.
The situation in some European countries, where individualized
transportation has not produced the urban sprawl of the United States
but where urban immigrations have produced severe housing shortages, has
forced the three generations often to occupy the same crowded
quartersan ecologically destabilizing situation because of lack of
space. In Prague, where this condition obtains, city planners are
designing domiciles specifically to accommodate the three generations;
for while there are distinct disadvantages from the crowding aspect,
great economic advantages obtain when space is adequate. These
advantages include the possibility for interdependency in task
performance among all members of the three generation family and the
creation of a learning/living environment in which youngsters grow up
interacting with all age groups and consequently absorbing a better idea
of the operation of the human community as a totality. They participate
in all the ceremonies, rites of passage, funerals, and other events of
the community as a whole, and therefore experience firsthand their own
humanness in an operational human environment.
From a strict engineering point of view, a great deal has yet to be
done to lower the cost of housing and the cost of operating and
maintaining individual domiciles. Passive design features for the
conservation of energy have scarcely begun, and the design of domiciles
to utilize environmental energy sources has made only the smallest
At present, solar energy is used primarily for light. Windows extend
our sense of space and permit the entry of light. In an energy-conscious
economy, windows account for energy loss from the heating budget of the
house. Solar collectors' either to capture heat energy or to convert the
energy of photons to the energy of electricity, have yet to be utilized
to any significant degree. The benefits from having domiciles more
energy independent include not only long-run energy savings, but the
fostering of environmental awareness that the domicile is embedded in
its immediate environment.
Second order ecosystems are biological communities. In the human
context they are the various different neighborhoods of cities. The
neighborhood is the basic community element of the city. To function as
a community the neighborhood must first be recognized as such by its
inhabitants. Any system that does not function is dead, and cities today
are full of dead neighborhoods. We have so preoccupied ourselves with
the architecture of buildings that we have rarely looked to the larger
problem of the architecture of the community.
Foremost among the biological attributes of communities is the
characteristic of diversity. Diversity is one of nature's great devices
for achieving stability; in biological communities diversity is achieved
either through differences in life forms or differences in species. In
the human community, since we are only one species and since our life
form variation is only in the growth, maturation, and senescence cycle,
it would appear that there could not be much diversity. However, since
the city and most human communities are based upon technology, we must
look to a different kind of diversity to understand this principle in
the human community. Organisms classified according to their
genetics are called genotypes. A group of closely related
genotypes are called biotypes. Those classified by their
ecological requirements are called ecotypes. These
classifications allow for the analysis of ecological problems involving
the genetics of any species whatever and the ability of two different
species to occupy similar ecological niches. These suffice for nonhuman
biological communities.
What is required for the human community is an additional
classification based upon the technological function of the human
organisms. The term technotype is proposed to describe this
function of the human community. Genetically an individual may be male
or female, caucasoid, mongoloid, capoid, negroid, or australoid (the
races of man). These attributes aid in the classification of
biotypes. Ecotypically, the individuals may be forest people,
prairie people, or mountain peopleattributes that relate to people
as ecotypes. But when the modern human urban community is
examined it is obvious that this is not enough; we want to know if the
individual is the butcher, the baker, or the candlestick maker; the
doctor, lawyer, chief; or merchant it is in this realm of technological
function that we look for the technotypes.>
Man as a species has a rather low diversity when it comes to biotypes
or ecotypes. But in the realm of technology, man has proliferated
himself into thousands of different technotypes, and it is the attribute
of diversity related to technotypes to which we must look to see this
important principle of human communities.
As an aside we should note that other species of animals that do have
technology such as ants and termites have evolutionarily solved this
diversity problem by physiological specialization into the workers,
soldiers, queens, etc. Man obviously is not physiologically specialized,
but rather is educationally specializedhis specialization is a
function of his technology, not of his genetics.
If we look at the diversity of technotypes in the human community,
the ecological principle of diversity and stability becomes immediately
apparent. Communities in which employment opportunities are restricted,
either in numbers or types, are much more prone to sudden drastic change
than communities in which a great variety of jobs is available for large
numbers of people. The one-industry town that folds when the one
industry closes down is a classic case in point. Rural communities that
serve only the farmers and farm families of a restricted area fluctuate
economically along with the fluctuations of the farm commodities market.
Even large industrial areas, such as automotive manufacturing centers,
suffer greater than average hardships when the auto industry is in a
slump. On the other hand, cities with a wide variety of light, medium,
and heavy industry may scarcely feel an economic recession, since the
majority of workers will not be concentrated in any one business or
industry. Thus, the list of occupations for a given area can be examined
and segregated by business enterprise, and it will provide a ready index
to the community's economic stability.
From the ecological viewpoint, what can be said about how to engineer
communities so as to encompass great technotypic variability and thus
achieve economic stability? For one thing, the technological feasibility
of altering zoning concepts to safely agglomerate diverse business,
commerce, and industrial functions with housing functions could be
examined. Control of pollution may well be the key to feasibility of
spatially locating diverse business and industrial functions close to
each other and to the residential elements of the city.
Not only should it be possible for persons to live close to their
place of employment but to many other needed facilities and services as
well (doctors, food markets, clothing shops, banks, theaters, etc.).
The growth and development of cities could in all probability be
gauged by the flux of technotypes in and out of the city. A study of the
disappearance of small towns in Minnesota used the closing of the banks
as the final indication of the demise of the town. Undoubtedly other
businesses were more sensitive indicators than the banks and left
earlier, but the closing of the bank leaves no doubt about the demise of
economic viability for business and commercial enterprises. It is to be
presumed conversely that when a new bank opens in an area, settlement
has reached the status of a viable community. In Grand Canyon National
Park, urbanization has reached the point where a shopping center with a
bank did open, clearly the visible manifestation of the arrival at the
canyon's rim of an economically stable human community, albeit one whose
human components are rapidly interchangeable.
Using the concept of the technotype, the analysis of the predictable
stability or instability of the city is possible and has the same
ecological consequences as analyzing the ecological diversity of
biotypes and ecotypes. It is at this level of the third order ecosystem
that the ecological engineering of the city will have the greatest
impact. Third order ecosystems build up from first and second order
ecosystems, but it is the relationship of these units to each other and
their replication in the matrix of urban technological business and
industrial development that will determine the ecological soundness of
the city and ultimately its fitness as a human habitation.
For ecosystems higher than the third order, the overwhelming
considerations are communications and transportation factors. Prior to
high speed transportation and communication, fourth order human
ecosystems tended to be restricted to components that could be managed
easily under the constraints of long delays in communication time. Now,
however, there appears to be no limit to the administrative potential,
since worldwide communication is instantaneous and worldwide physical
travel is possible in hours.
The facility with which communication and transportation encourage
business and social ties between widely dispersed peoples has given rise
to the concept of the "symbolic community." This concept is useful, but
it is not the overriding concern for the survival or development of the
human community, because the place where the important
biological/ecological functions must occur determines the viability of
the human community.
What is experienced as a result of high-speed communication is
technological accommodation. Most long-distance communication takes
place as part of a business, commercial, industrial, or governmental
information network that serves primarily technological administration
purposes and not human ecological needs. It is easy to confuse
technological complexes with human ecological ones, but that is only
because the humans in such complexes serve technological, not ecological
functions. There is, to be sure, an "ecology of technology" but it takes
us away from the biological aspects of human ecology.
The engineering aspects of industrial development on a world scale do
have an impact on the biosphere as a whole. The biosphere as a fifth
order ecosystem has been virtually insensitive to the activities of man
for most of the time man has spent on earth. The biosphere changed only
in response to worldwide changes in weather and to tectonic and other
geological forcesbut for most of man's time on earth, the
biosphere was beyond the scale of anything humans could do.
Recently that has changed. With technology increasing at breakneck
speed, changes now transcend locality and produce ramifications far
beyond those conceived by the humans who trigger the actions. The
digging of the Suez Canal connected two water bodies of biospheric
dimension that had been isolated for millenia. Livestock grazing in
Europe has considerably altered the pattern of vegetation. Pollution has
affected all parts of the globe. The testing of atomic weapons in the
atmosphere caused widespread dispersion of potentially dangerous
radionuclide. As a matter of fact, the distribution of the radionuclide
Strontium 90 from point sources (weapons explosions) even to the marrow
of unborn babies probably did more than anything else to demonstrate the
unity of the atmosphere and the living world's mutual dependence on
clean air.
The space age with its miracles of space travel will one day settle
down to the comparatively mundane and routine task of gathering
information about the earth and relaying information over the entire
global surface. Space technology already has revolutionized navigation,
has brought events of worldwide interest to the TV screens of hundreds
of millions simultaneously, and has made highspeed, reliable
communication a possibility between any two spots on earthno
matter how remote from each other. Insofar as mutual understanding of
information exchange tends to lessen tensions among nations, our
ventures into space technology should stabilize ecological conditions in
our fifth order ecosystem; but insofar as the rockets are delivery
systems for weapons and the earth-observing satellites are "spies in the
sky," they will tend to destabilize it. If past technological
development is an indication, the stability factors will prevail simply
because they are stability factors.
Having now expanded our horizons to the concept of man in the
universe, we should not lose sight of the fact that what we are
discussing is man in his physical environmentwhere he lives, eats,
sleeps, plays, where his family lives, and what they do together and
with their neighbors, how they operate together to form a human
community, and how human communities, with their accompanying
technology, make up the city.
It is the application of engineering skills to these problems, from
rotating street drainage grates so that bicycle wheels cross them at
right angles to forecasting weather from satellite images of the earth,
that ultimately will determine the ecological soundness of the human
community. We have the knowledge and the skill. We can make cities
better than they are. But first we must learn more about what ecological
principles apply to cities and devote more of our engineering skills to
improving their operation.
Theodore W. Sudia